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Brush Out Brush

Brush Out Brush


Introducing the Brush Out Brush aka B.O.B


Yo curl, we've all been there. Those days where you're feeling a little highly strung, when you're holding on a little too tight, bouncing around like a toddler filled with sugar.

Curl, you gotta learn to relax and we have just the guy to help you go from tight and tense to smooth and soft. 

BOB the brush out brush, uses a combination of natural boar bristles and nylon to remove the knots and reduce the frizz whilst keeping the body. BOB is gentle on your locks while he stimulates your scalp. Use wet or dry but BOB really thrives after your heat styling is done and your ready to finish it off. 

BOB is not the kind of guy you leave on the night stand, he is reliable and by your side for daily styling. He is suitable for swiping right on allll hair types and a MUST have for upstyling.  

Eco friendly combined with a luxurious aesthetic, BOB is ticking all the right boxes.

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